About Us
Our Office

Our Company
Founded in 1979 by Dr. Alan J. Bilanin, the charter of Continuum Dynamics, Inc. is to provide high quality, cost effective engineering services and state-of-the-art technical solutions for government and industry. For over forty years, CDI has undertaken a wide range of research and development activities including contract R&D, software development and licensing, engineering and design services, and test support.
Our government and industry customers come from a wide range of interests including multiple aerospace technologies, air vehicle design and simulation, thermo-hydraulic systems supporting electric power generation, wind turbine analysis and design, and forest management/agrochemical applications.
Our Team

Senior Technical Team

Dr. Glen Whitehouse CEO & Senior Associate
Fixed and rotary-wing aircraft and component aerodynamics, wake mechanics, simulation, and analysis; interactional aerodynamics in and out of ground effect, multiple aircraft wake interactions and dynamic interface/shipboard interactions; CFD, hybrid overset CFD and overset CFD solver library development; wind turbine and wind farm analysis; particulate/dust transport, helicopter brownout, chemical/aerosol dispersion and deposition. Joined CDI in 2003.

Dr. Alan J. Bilanin Chairman of the Board & Senior Associate
Development of advanced techniques for aircraft vortex wake modeling and aerodynamically generated sound; multiple investigations involving unsteady steam condensation associated with loss-of-coolant accidents in boiling water reactors; studies of safety valve dynamics; scaling methods for subscale testing of thermal cycling and fluid structure interaction for jet pump systems; development of acoustic circuit analyses for complex piping systems; development of drag reduction devices for road vehicles; novel erosion mitigation methods for bridge piers; scaling laws for aircraft icing. Founded CDI in 1979.

Dr. Alexander H. Boschitsch Senior Associate
Lead developer of CFD and finite element software; aeroelastic modeling of aerostructural and aeropropulsion problems; analysis of fluid-structural coupling; fast multipole methods; biomolecular electrostatics; accelerated methods for solution of acoustics of complex piping systems. Joined CDI in 1989.

Mr. Andrew E. Kaufman Senior Associate
Design and testing of debris strainers for nuclear power plant safety systems; development of base drag reduction concepts for tractor trailers; development of instrumentation and models for pharmaceutical products and processes, including a pressure measurement system for metered dose aerosols and a test system to determine the force and impulse from aerosol sprays; droplet dynamics and erosion for high speed raindrops; novel ultraviolet curing methods for composite structures. Joined CDI in 1987

Dr. Jeffrey D. Keller Senior Associate
Dynamics, control, simulation, and visualization of aeronautical and aeroservoelastic systems; development of low-order models for complex aerodynamic and fluid dynamic flows, in particular for rotorcraft wakes; flight control law development; real-time pilot-in-the-loop simulation development and applications. Joined CDI in 1996.

Dr. Robert M. McKillip, Jr. Senior Associate
Air vehicle flight dynamics and control; smart material actuation systems; instrumentation and health monitoring systems for fixed wing aircraft, rotorcraft, and spacecraft; flight simulation and modeling of stores separation and countermeasures release; computer visualization; control law development and flight test support. Joined CDI in 1992.

Dr. Todd Quackenbush Senior Associate
Rotorcraft aerodynamics and dynamics; analysis and modification of vortex wake dynamics; design and analysis of advanced V/STOL aircraft, DEP/UAM air vehicles; modeling of aerially released countermeasures and store separation; applications of smart structures technology in rotorcraft, hydrodynamics, and propulsion venues; Shape Memory Alloy devices; modeling methods and airfoil designs for low Reynolds number aerodynamics; performance and acoustic analysis of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs); environmental impact of aircraft exhaust and fuel jettisoning. Joined CDI in 1986.

Mr. Daniel A. Wachspress Senior Associate
Research, development and implementation of rotorcraft computer models (CHARM, CHARM Modules, MAST, Brownout); design support for UAM/DEP air vehicles; rotor design optimization, computation of high-frequency airloads, noise prediction, rotorcraft interactional aerodynamics, higher harmonic pitch control and multiple aircraft wake interaction; modeling of brownout and particle transport near rotorcraft. Joined CDI in 1983.
Technical Team

Dr. Mrunali Botre Staff Associate
Rotorcraft aerodynamics and aeroacoustics prediction and analysis for developing low noise flight procedures; validation of the noise prediction system with the full-scale helicopter flight test data; analysis of broadband noise modeling; development of tools required for designing quieter UAM’s and e-Vtol; analyzing the effects of time-varying rotor RPM on noise generation; supporting the development of an interface for coupling of CHARM to industry-standard noise models; compressible flow and turbulence flow modeling. Joined CDI in 2019.

Mr. Elton Clark Staff Associate
Design and execution of experiments, instrumentation, and data generation for research topics or validation of in-house designs. Manufacturing support from prototype to LRIP with expertise in additive and composite manufacturing. Joined CDI in 2022.

Mr. Thomas B. Curbishley Associate
Computer systems and networks manager; computer software development, with primary emphasis on graphics, user interface and control. User interface and control software; investigation of aerodynamic download reducing methods and vortex-trapping panels testing on a tractor-trailer; meteorological data acquisition; development and maintenance of aerial spray drift models. Joined CDI in 1988.

Dr. Pavel V. Danilov Associate
Acoustic and vibratory properties of fluid-loaded structures; homogenization method for treatment of fluid/structure interaction problems; passive vibration isolation and noise reduction; analysis of aerostructural and thermostructural problems via finite element methods. Joined CDI in 2004

Dr. Liuyang Ding Staff Associate
Flow diagnostics; measurement technique development; turbulence measurement and modeling. Joined CDI in 2023.

Dr. Balaji Muralidharan Associate
Modeling and simulation of turbulent reacting flows in energy and propulsion systems; Development of LES subgrid and wall models for flow and combustion; Development of high-order embedded boundary approaches, and adaptive mesh refinement techniques for solving high-speed reacting fluid flow involving moving boundaries; Expertise in development and implementation of novel algorithms for improving the scalability of CFD solvers on modern high-performance architectures; Use of ML/AI for knowledge extraction from experimental/model data. Joined CDI in 2023.

Mr. Cody Perkins Staff Engineer
Computation fluid dynamics of fixed wing aircraft, analysis of natural laminar flow wings, optimization of single- and multi-element airfoils, unstructured grid generation. Joined CDI in 2023.

Dr. Abhinav Sharma Staff Associate
Flight dynamic modeling, simulation and control of rotorcraft, advanced multirotor aircraft, and electric Vertical Take-Off and Landing (eVTOL) aircraft; rotorcraft interactional aerodynamics and ground effect analysis; development and application of low-order state-space models for complex aerodynamics. Joined CDI in 2020.

Dr. Milton E. Teske Senior Associate
Development of numerical techniques; nuclear safety steam lines involving acoustic circuit analysis and finite difference; safety valve simulation in ideal gas, two-phase, subcooled and superheated flows including coupled valve/gas dynamics; three-dimensional Poisson solver for fluid structure interaction; analysis of aerially released materials for application to agricultural aviation, assessments the hazards posed by chemical/biological environments and fuel jettisoning; vortex wake dynamics. Joined CDI in 1979.

Jean-Pierre Theron Staff Associate
Flight dynamic modeling, simulation and control of advanced multirotor
rotorcraft and fixed-wing aircraft. Simulation-based
evaluation of aircraft stability and handling quality metrics. Optimal
trajectory planning for air vehicles. Joined CDI in 2023.

Dr. Michael K. Yu Associate
Rotorcraft aerodynamics, simulation, and analysis; rotorcraft state-space model development and application; airfoil dynamic stall analysis and modeling; helicopter simulation development. Joined CDI in 2005.
Support Team

Melissa Kinney Director, Business Administration

Irma Rinz Accounting Administrator

Samantha Brettell Business Administrator