
Comprehensive Hierarchical Aeromechanics Rotorcraft Model


CHARM is a computer software product that models the complete aerodynamics and dynamics of rotorcraft in general flight conditions. CHARM represents the culmination of over thirty years of development of rotorcraft modeling technologies at CDI and incorporates landmark technical achievements from a variety of NASA, DoD, and company-sponsored initiatives. CHARM has supported the design of major components of several fielded rotorcraft and is ideally suited for performing advanced rotorcraft aerodynamic design and research on emerging rotorcraft technologies and eVTOL aircraft. It is naturally structured to capture multiple interacting elements characteristic of modern complex multirotor-multiwing configurations. It offers a high level of accuracy and computational performance combined within one easy-to-use product operable on desktop processors and includes direct coupling to the industry-standard PSU-WOPWOP noise analysis.

Sim Modules

CDI currently provides a family of software modules derived from the parent CHARM stand-along comprehensive code, for use in high fidelity, real-time flight simulations and trainers.  These include:

CHARM Wake/Panel Module

CHARM Real Time Blade/Aero Module

MAST Multiple Aircraft Simulation Module

Brownout Module

These physics-based models carry the key aerodynamic modeling features of CHARM into the piloted simulation environment and allow integration of realistic environmental features for degraded visibility; incorporation of ground effect and the airwakes of ships and buildings; and provide for real time noise output.

General Purpose Cartesian Grid Flow Solver


CDI’s CGE software is a steady/unsteady adaptive cut-cell octree Cartesian grid CFD model developed for general purpose analysis of air and ground vehicles and is applicable to the complex airwakes of ships, urban environments. CGE features general automatic grid generation and its ability to handle complex, non-watertight non-singular geometries makes it well suited for analyzing highly interactive aerodynamic systems during conceptual and preliminary design. 

CGE’s actuator disk rotor model is appropriate for efficient studies of rotor/propeller effects on airframes and wings and allows analysis of download and bluff body drag.  The actuator disk is driven by a blade element model so that the loading, and thus momentum sources, vary across the disk and react to the local induced flow field. An extension to URANS with SA-DES-based turbulence models has been completed recently as has its extension to analysis of internal flows and piping systems. 

Adaptive Cartesian Grid-based Poisson-Boltzmann Solver


CPB solves the nonlinear and size-modified Poisson Boltzmann equation (PBE) governing biomolecular electrostatics using an adaptive Cartesian grid (ACG). It supports non-uniform ion size models of the solvent as well as the more conventional linear and nonlinear forms of the PBE. The Cartesian grid employs an octree data structure to provide a powerful variable mesh spacing capability while simultaneously retaining a simple cell shape and a hierarchical ordering of grid elements that is intrinsically suited to multigrid. The resulting Cartesian grid-based PBE solver, CPB, solves for the electrostatic potential in and around the (bio)molecule and post-processes the solution to evaluate various energy contributions, energy derived properties such as polar solvation and binding free energies, salt sensitivities, atomic forces, bound ion numbers, and detailed visualization of surface and volume maps of the potential and derivative quantities such as ion concentrations, ionic and dielectric pressures, and induced surface charge.

CPB embodies a number of numerical and computational features that facilitate set up and operation by the user, eliminate singular behavior, promote accurate solutions especially on the surface, ensure reliable convergence behavior and allow rapid evaluation using readily accessible computer resources. Charge singularities are eliminated by solving for the reaction field potential inside the molecule and the full potential outside. A least squares reconstruction of the solution near the surface that incorporates the local continuity conditions and curvature isavailable to enhace accuracy at the interface and produce high quality maps of surface potential and induced charge. The dielectric interface is developed internally using analytical representations for the common surface definitions (van der Waals, solvent accessible, solvent excluded, and a variety of Gaussian surfaces). Solution output includes integrated data, evaluation at selected locations, 3D graphics files compatible with TecPlot, Paraview and other plotting software.


AGDISPpro is an aerial application model for the accurate prediction of deposition of spray material released from aircraft. This model addresses the behavior of aerially released material from a wide range of aircraft beginning after nozzle breakup into droplets, through interaction with the aircraft wake and the atmosphere, to deposition through a canopy and onto the ground. This physics-based model follows the droplets with a Lagrangian particle solution technique validated against numerous field studies conducted by the USDA Forest Service (FS) and its cooperators (1972-1995), and extensive industry Spray Drift Task Force (SDTF) field studies (1992-1993).

For AGDISPpro licensing, contact Mount Rose Scientific, LLC at

Fuel Jettisoning SIMulation (FJSIM) for Prediction of Groundfall


Fuel jettisoned from aircraft in flight may pose a health and environmental hazard at the surface. The fuel jettisoning simulation model FJSIM provides a key tool for evaluating the health and environmental impact of fuel jettisoning events from fixed and rotary wing aircraft. FJSIM combines a detailed, experimentally-verified fuel evaporation model, ambient meteorological conditions and individual aircraft characteristics to yield a demonstrator model for fuel jettisoning. This Windows-based model lets users estimate the location, total mass, volume, and areal extent of the groundfall from actual jettison events and planned operations, and can assist in reviewing and developing fuel jettison policies.

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